Mindfulness Meditation

Once a month (check schedule page)


The higher teachings of Yoga take one beyond techniques, and show the yoga practitioner how to direct his concentration in such a way as not only to harmonise human with divine consciousness but to merge his consciousness in the Infinite. 

-Paramhansa Yogananda


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What is True Meditation

One hears the word "Meditation" so frequently now that its meaning has become blurred. It's aim is not merely to calm your emotions, clear your mind, or relieve stress, although it will do it all that. And although true meditation will take you beyond thought, blanking out is not the way to get there. 

Truly speaking, meditation is not even something one does; its a state of consciousness - a profoundly serene,  blissful state in which you're beyond thought and beyond perceiving yourself as separate from the rest of creation. There's a sound sense of being complete in yourself- and knowing for sure that "your self" is much more than you had ever imagined. You're experiencing, at long last,  something of your own divine essence.


Practitioners are required to sit for extended period of time without moving the body and without discomfort. Only when the body is steady and still foursome time will meditation experienced. Deep meditation requires the spinal column to be straight and very few asanas can satisfy this condition. 

why not in Shavasana?? because in Shavasana, there is a tendency to drift in to sleep. It is essential to remain awake and alert while going through the various stages which lead to successful meditatoin.

Swami Sivananda of Rishikesh, said the following about asana & meditation : "You must be able to sit in one of the meditation asanas for a full three hours at a stretch without shaking body. Then only you gain true "asana siddhi", mastery over the asana, and be able to practice higher stages of pranayama and dhyana. Without securing a steady asana, you can not progress well in meditation. the more steady you in your asana, the more you will be able to concentrate with a one-pointed mind. If you can be steady in a posture even for one hour, you will be able to acquire a one-pointed mind and feel the atmic ananda, infinite peace and soulful bliss in side you."

Fees : Studio members may use their class credit against this workshop. NO EXTRA FEES

Voluntary Donation : $10 (non-members)

Eligibility : Whether you are regular practitioner or just a beginner, this workshop is for all. Join and experience the peace, bliss and divinity in within you.

To sign up, please click the link below :- 


Meditative Asanas : Sukhasana for beginners and Padmasana (lotus) for experienced yogis. These postures helps keeping spine straight and body steady which is essential for prolong meditation

Yogis prefer practicing meditation in Siddhasana (Also known as Guptasana) or Swastikasana

Prepare for your journey of heights

According to the Bhagavad Gita, “Yoga is the breaking of contact with pain.”  Yogic meditation techniques, sitting meditation and mindful stretching movements are, without a doubt, central components of the yoga tradition. Yet perhaps what is most exciting about this and other neurological studies is that neuroscientists suggest that these practices may cause an increase in emotional resilience and brain elasticity.  it is also indicated that there does seem to be a sort of “active ingredient” that ties practices of meditation and mindfulness together. As to what that is, whether it’s the process of attending or something far more mysterious, the suggestion seems to be that the healing effects of these practices are powerfully real.